Sources in the CHCD
Table of contents
The CHCD is made of data from a variety of primary and secondary sources on Christianity in China. Citing these sources in full for each use, however, would be cumbersome to read and record. As such, the CHCD utilizes abbreviated source references throughout the database. Below is information on all the sources that can be found in the database.
Reference Structure
Sources used by the CHCD are referenced by specific codes. Each code is comprised of 1-3 parts, with each section separated by an underscore _
. Dashes -
and forward slashes /
are also sometimes used within each section.
: The first section is usually an abbreviated version of the author or source name in Latin script.DATE-VOL
: The second section usually includes a date or volume number. This section often appears to differentiate works by the came author or that are part of the same series.REF
: The final section includes the specific page, folder, or webpage referred to.
For example, a citation from page 210 of “Joseph Dehergne. Répertoire des Jésuites de Chine de 1552 à 1800. Rome: Institutem Historicum S.I., 1973.” would appear as DEHERGNE_1973_210
Source List
Below is a list of all sources currently used to populate the data of the CHCD. Source codes are made up of the NAME
sections listed above.
Code | Full Citation |
ADORATSKII_1887-11 | Nikolai Адоратский Adoratskii, Николай (hieromonk). “Pravoslavnaia Missiia v Kitae za 200 let eia sushchestvovaniia,” Православная Миссия в Китае за 200 лет ея существования [Orthodox Mission in China in 200 years of its existence]. Pravoslavnyi sobesednik Православный Собеседник [Orthodox Collocutor] (November, 1887): 287-343. |
ADORATSKII_1887-3 | Nikolai Адоратский Adoratskii, Николай (hieromonk). “Pravoslavnaia Missiia v Kitae za 200 let eia sushchestvovaniia,” Православная Миссия в Китае за 200 лет ея существования [Orthodox Mission in China in 200 years of its existence]. Pravoslavnyi sobesednik Православный Собеседник [Orthodox Collocutor] (March, 1887):317-351. |
ADORATSKII_1887-5 | Nikolai Адоратский Adoratskii, Николай (hieromonk). “Pravoslavnaia Missiia v Kitae za 200 let eia sushchestvovaniia,” Православная Миссия в Китае за 200 лет ея существования [Orthodox Mission in China in 200 years of its existence]. Pravoslavnyi sobesednik Православный Собеседник [Orthodox Collocutor] (May, 1887): 99-136. |
ADORATSKII_1887-9 | Nikolai Адоратский Adoratskii, Николай (hieromonk). “Pravoslavnaia Missiia v Kitae za 200 let eia sushchestvovaniia,” Православная Миссия в Китае за 200 лет ея существования [Orthodox Mission in China in 200 years of its existence]. Pravoslavnyi sobesednik Православный Собеседник [Orthodox Collocutor] (September, 1887): 30-58. |
AFOFINA_2018 | L.A. Afonina, “Chinese Orthodox Martyrs of 1900: Survey of Historical Sources and Church Veneration.” IJSWS 14, (2018). |
AJB3 | A.J. Broomhall. Hudson Taylor & China’s Open Century. Book Five: Refiner’s Fire. London: Hodder & Stoughton and the Overseas Missionary Fellowship, 1985. |
ANON_1973 | Anon., “Gerhard Schreiber, S.V.D.” Monumenta Serica 30 (1972–1973), not pag. (preceding Table of Contents). |
AS | Anthony Sweeting. “E.J. Eitel’s “Europe in China”: A Reappraisal of The Messages And The Man.” Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society Hong Kong Branch, 48 (2008): 89-109. |
ATS | A.T. Schofield. Memorial of R.Harold Schofield. London: Hodder & Stoughton and the Overseas Missionary Fellowship, 1885. |
AW | Alexander Wylie, Catalogue of publications by Protestant Missionaries in China. Shanghai, 1876. |
AW3 | Albert Wu. “Ernst Faber and the Consequences of Failure: A Study of a Nineteenth-Century German Missionary in China.” Central European History 47, no. 1 (March 2014): 1-29. |
BANTYSH_1882 | N.N. Bantysh-Kamenskii. Diplomaticheskoe sobranie diel mezhdu Rossiiskim i Kitaiskim gosudarstvami s 1619 po 1792-i god (Collection of Diplomatic Affairs Between the Russian and Chinese Governments from 1619 to 1792). Ed. V.M. Florinskii. Kazan: Tipographia Imperatorskago Universiteta, 1882. |
BBLD | Brettschneider, Alexander Hermann Emil. Baltisches biografisches Lexikon digital. |
BDCC | Biographical Dictionary of Christianity in China. |
BEIPING_ZHAJI | Xi Xiande, Beiping Furen daxue zhaji, Furendaxue xueshu congshu, xiaoshi xilie 1012. Xinzhuang: Furen daxue chubanshe, 2004. |
BINDAC | Bindac, Arnost. “Das Leben einer Missionsschwester” (unpublished manuscript, original language: Slovak, translated into German). 2 vols. 291 pp. Held at the library of the SSpS in Stockerau. |
BJFRDX | Ke Boshi 柯博識 (Kuepers, Jac). Sili Beijing Furen daxue 1925-1950: Linian, licheng, jiaoyuan 私立北京輔仁大學 1925-1950:理念、歷程、教員. Taibei xian Xinzhuang shi: Furendaxue chubanshe, 2007. |
BORNEMANN_1956 | Bornemann, Fritz. “Verzeichnis der Schriften von P. W. Schmidt S.V.D. (1868–1954).” Anthropos 49 (1954), pp. 385–432. |
BOYNTON | Charles Luther Boynton. “Revised Chronological List of Missionaries.” Columbia Univesity Archives. |
BS | Brian Stanley. The History of the Baptist Missionary Society, 1792-1992. Edinburgh : T & T Clark, 1992. |
BSMRPC_2004 | Биографический словарь миссионеров Русской Православной Церкви / Сост. Священник Сергий Широков. – М.: «Белый Город». – 2004. |
BT | Brown Thurston. Thurston Genealogies. Portland, ME: B. Thurston and Hoyt, Fogg & Donham, 1880. |
CHENEY | David M. Cheney. “The Hierarchy of the Catholic Church.” |
CHIGRINSKII_1993 | M.F. Chigrinskii М.Ф.Чигринский, “Ieromonakh Aleksii (Vinogradov) v Optinoi pustyni” Иеромонах Алексий (Виноградов) в Оптиной пустыни [Hieromonk Aleksii (Vinogradov) in the Optina monastery] in Pravoslavie na Dal’nem Vostoke Православие на Дальнем Востоке [Orthodoxy in the Far East], ed. N.M. Bogolyubov Н.М. Боголюбов (Saint Petersburg: Andreev i Synov’ia, 1993), 54–62. |
CIM1 | J. Hudson Taylor. “Introduction.” Days of blessing in inland China : being an account of the meetings held in the province of Shan-Si, &c. London : Morgan & Scott, 1887. |
CMA_1898 | “China and Japan.” Christian & Missionary Alliance Archives. 20/1-1898-20. |
CN | “Country information: China.” Church News. |
CONRAD_2007 | Conrad, Fabian. “P. Eduard Kroker SVD im Alter von 94 Jahren unerwartet verstorben.” [Online] Available at: |
COVEY_2008 | Covey, Roger. “In memoriam Harrie Vanderstappen, S.V.D. (1921–2007).” Monumenta Serica 56 (2008), 505-517. |
CTS | Carl T. Smith. “The Emergence of a Chinese Elite in Hong Kong. Journal of the Hong Kong Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society 11 (1971): 74-115. |
DANSHIN_2014 | Даньшин А.В. Неизвестная страница русского китаеведения: М.Д. Храповицкий и его рукописное наследие // Россия и АТР. 2014. № 3, 84-90. |
DATSYSHEN_2011 | V.G. Datsyshen В.Г. Дацышен, Mitropolit Innokentii Pekinskii Митрополит Иннокентий Пекинский [Metropolitan Innocent of Beijing] (Hong Kong: Orthodox Brotherhood of Apostles Saints Peter and Paul, 2011) |
DATSYSHEN_2013 | Дацышен В.Г., Чегодаев А.Б. Архимандрит Петр (Каменский). - Москва-Гонконг:Братство святых первоверховных апостолов Петра и Павла, 2013. |
DATSYSHEN-ARK_2013 | Дацышен В.Г. Русские китаеведы XVIII – начало ХХ вв.: преподаватели и составители словарей (краткий биобиблиографический справочник) // Архив российской китаистики. Ин-т востоковедения РАН. - 2013 - . Т. I / сост. А.И.Кобзев; отв. ред. А.Р.Вяткин. - М.: Наука - Вост. лит., 2013. - 583 с. 532-550. |
DEHERGNE_1973 | Joseph Dehergne. Répertoire des Jésuites de Chine de 1552 à 1800. Rome: Institutem Historicum S.I., 1973. |
DEV_1896 | Некролог. (+ Преосвященный Николай, епископ Оренбургский и Уральский) // Донские епархиальные ведомости, (отдел неофициальный), 1896, № 24 (15 декабря), 776-778 |
DILAKTORSKII_1899 | Дилакторский П. А. Вологжане-писатели : (Материалы для словаря писателей уроженцев Вологод. губ.) / Прокопий Александрович Дилакторский - Вологда : Б.и., Б.г.(1899) - 141с. - Нет тит.л. . - Отт. из ““Вологод. Губерн. Ведомостей”” за 1898 и 1899 гг. Источник: |
DIMITRIEV_2002 | Dimitriev, Vasilij Dmitrievich.Vostokoved N. Ia. Bichurin i Chuvashiia. Cheboksary, Chuvashskoe knizhnoe izdatel’stvo. 2002. |
DJB | Donald J. Bruggink and Kim N. Baker. By Grace Alone. Stories of the Reformed Church in America. Grand Rapids: W.B. Eerdmans, 2004. |
DPMC | List of Prostestant Missionaries in China, Japan and Siam. Shanghai: American Presbyterian Mission Press, 1874. |
DPMC_1884 | List of Prostestant Missionaries in China, Japan and Siam. Shanghai: American Presbyterian Mission Press, 1884. |
DPMC_1902 | Directory of Prostestant Missionaries in China and Japan for the Year 1902. Hong Kong: Daily Press Office, 1902. |
DPMC_1903 | Directory of Prostestant Missionaries in China, Japan and Corea for the Year 1903. Hong Kong: Daily Press Office, 1903. |
DPMC_1904 | Directory of Prostestant Missionaries in China, Japan and Corea for the Year 1904. Hong Kong: Daily Press Office, 1904. |
DPMC_1905 | Directory of Prostestant Missionaries in China, Japan and Corea for the Year 1905. Hong Kong: Daily Press Office, 1905. |
DPMC_1906 | Directory of Prostestant Missionaries in China, Japan and Corea for the Year 1906. Hong Kong: Daily Press Office, 1906. |
DPMC_1908 | Directory of Prostestant Missionaries in China, Japan and Corea for the Year 1908. Hong Kong: Daily Press Office, 1908. |
DPMC_1909 | Directory of Prostestant Missionaries in China, Japan and Corea for the Year 1909. Hong Kong: Daily Press Office, 1909. |
DPMC_1910 | Directory of Prostestant Missionaries in China, Japan and Corea for the Year 1910. Hong Kong: Daily Press Office, 1910. |
DPMC_1911 | Directory of Prostestant Missionaries in China, Japan and Corea for the Year 1911. Hong Kong: Daily Press Office, 1911. |
DPMC_1912 | Directory of Prostestant Missionaries in China, Japan and Corea for the Year 1912. Hong Kong: Daily Press Office, 1912. |
DPMC_1913 | Directory of Prostestant Missionaries in China, Japan and Corea for the Year 1913. Hong Kong: Daily Press Office, 1913. |
DPMC_1914 | Directory of Prostestant Missionaries in China, Japan and Corea for the Year 1914. Hong Kong: Daily Press Office, 1914. |
DPMC_1915 | Directory of Prostestant Missionaries in China, Japan and Corea for the Year 1915. Hong Kong: Daily Press Office, 1915. |
DPMC_1916 | Directory of Prostestant Missionaries in China, Japan and Corea for the Year 1916. Hong Kong: Daily Press Office, 1916. |
DPMC_1917 | Directory of Prostestant Missionaries in China, Japan and Corea for the Year 1917. Hong Kong: Daily Press Office, 1917. |
DPMC_1918 | Directory of Prostestant Missions in China. Shanghai: Kwang Hsueh Publishing House, 1918. |
DPMC_1919 | Directory of Prostestant Missions in China. Shanghai: Kwang Hsueh Publishing House, 1919. |
DPMC_1920 | Directory of Prostestant Missions in China. Shanghai: Kwang Hsueh Publishing House, 1920. |
DPMC_1921 | Directory of Prostestant Missions in China. Shanghai: Kwang Hsueh Publishing House, 1921. |
DPMC_1923 | Directory of Prostestant Missions in China. Shanghai: Kwang Hsueh Publishing House, 1923. |
DPMC_1924 | Directory of Prostestant Missions in China. Shanghai: Kwang Hsueh Publishing House, 1924. |
DPMC_1926 | Directory of Prostestant Missions in China. Shanghai: Kwang Hsueh Publishing House, 1926. |
DPMC_1927 | Directory of Prostestant Missions in China. Shanghai: Kwang Hsueh Publishing House, 1927. |
DPMC_1928 | Directory of Prostestant Missions in China. Shanghai: Kwang Hsueh Publishing House, 1928. |
DPMC_1929 | Directory of Prostestant Missions in China. Shanghai: Kwang Hsueh Publishing House, 1929. |
DPMC_1930 | Directory of Prostestant Missions in China. Shanghai: Kwang Hsueh Publishing House, 1930. |
DPMC_1932 | Directory of Prostestant Missions in China. Shanghai: The North China Daily News & Herald, 1932. |
DPMC_1933 | Directory of Prostestant Missions in China. Shanghai: The North China Daily News & Herald, 1933. |
DPMC_1934 | Directory of Prostestant Missions in China. Shanghai: The North China Daily News & Herald, 1934. |
DPMC_1935 | Directory of Prostestant Missions in China. Shanghai: The North China Daily News & Herald, 1935. |
DPMC_1936 | Directory of Prostestant Missions in China. Shanghai: The North China Daily News & Herald, 1936. |
DPMC_1940 | Directory of Prostestant Missions in China. Shanghai: The North China Daily News & Herald, 1940. |
DPMC_1948 | Directory of Prostestant Christian Movement in China. Shanghai: National Christian Council, 1948. |
DPMC_1950 | Directory of Prostestant Missionaries in China. Shanghai: National Christian Council, 1950. |
EB | Edward Band. Working His Purpose Out: The History of the English Presbyterian Mission, 1847-1947. London : Presbyterian Church of England Publishing Office, 1948. |
ECC | Elsworth C. Carlson. The Foo-Chow Missionaries, 1847-1880. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1974. |
EDC_1895 | The Educational Directory for China. Shanghai: The Educational Association of China, 1895. |
EDC_1905 | The Educational Directory for China. Shanghai: The Educational Association of China, 1905. |
EDC_1914 | The Educational Directory for China. Shanghai: The Education Directory of China Publishing, Co., 1914. |
EDC_1916 | The Educational Directory for China. Shanghai: The Education Directory of China Publishing, Co., 1916. |
EDC_1917 | The Educational Directory for China. Shanghai: The Education Directory of China Publishing, Co., 1917. |
EDC_1918 | The Educational Directory and Yearbook for China. Shanghai: The Education Directory of China Publishing, Co., 1918. |
EDC_1920 | The Educational Directory and Yearbook for China. Shanghai: The Education Directory of China Publishing, Co., 1920. |
FDNK | Fuda niankan 輔大年刊, 1936–1945, 1947. |
FM_1958 | Fortunato Margiotti, OFM. Il cattolicismo nello Shansi dalle origini al 1738. Roma: Edizioni “Sinica Franciscana,” 1958. |
FROLOV | Николай ФРОЛОВ “Вязники – Гонконг: миссия длиною в жизнь”. |
FUREN_CATALOGUE | Catalogue of The Catholic University of Peking (Fu Jen Ta Hsüeh) 輔仁大學,Peking (Peiping): The Catholic University of Peking, 1939–1948. |
GBOAAM | Murray A. Rubinstein. The Origins of the Anglo-American Missionary Enterprise in China, 1807-1840. Lanham, MD : Scarecrow Press, 1996. |
GFB | George F. Bartle. “The Role of the British and Foreign School Society in elementary education in India and the East Indies 1813-75.” History of Education 23, No. 1 (1994): 17-33. |
GFD | Gerald Francis De Jong. The Reformed Church in China, 1842-1951. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1992. |
GR | John Gilbert Reid. “The International Institute of China.” The Open Court 12, no. 883 (1929): 705-714. |
GS | George Smith. A narrative of an exploratory visit to each of the consular cities of China, and to the islands of Hong Kong and Chusan in behalf of the Church Missionary Society, in the years 1844, 1845, 1846. London : Seeley, Burnside, 1847. |
GUODONG_2007 | 閻國棟、肖玉秋,《譯者序》在 東正教在華兩百年史/ [俄] 尼古拉。阿多拉茨基,閻國、肖玉秋,陳開科審校。- 廣州:廣東人民出版社, 2007,2頁。 |
GWD | G. Wright Doyle (ed.) Builders of the Chinese church : pioneer Protestant missionaries and Chinese church leaders. Cambridge, UK: The Lutterworth Press, 2015. |
HCM | Who’s Who in the Far East, 1906-7. Hongkong China Mail, 1907. |
HCN | Helen C. Nevius. Our Life in China. New York: Robert Carter and Borthers, 1869. |
HENNINGER_1956 | Henninger, Joseph. “P. Wilhelm Schmidt, S.V.D. (1868–1954): Eine biographische Skizze.” Anthropos 51, nos. 1-2 (1956): 19–60. |
HOLLISTER_2010 | Hollister, Margaret. Inheriting China: A Memoir. 1st ed. Washington D.C.: Eastern Branch Press, 2010. |
HOSTER_2009 | Hoster, Barbara. “In memoriam: P. Peter Venne SVD (1913–2009).” China heute 28, no. 2 (2009): 84-85. |
HOSTER_2018 | “Konfuzius und sein Kult (Confucius and His Cult, 1928). A Monograph by the Catholic China Missionary Franz Xaver Biallas S.V.D. as a Contribution to Sinology.” Monumenta Serica 66, no. 1 (2018): 131-160. |
HRW | H.R. Williamson. British Baptists in China, 1845-1952. London: Carey Kingsgate Press, 1957 |
HT | J. Hudson Taylor. The Hudson Taylor 7-in-1 Collection. Christian Classics Treasury, 2012 |
HWMC | William Schneider and Zhang Daqing. The History of Western Medicine in China. |
IDSVD | Index Defunctorum societas Verbi Divini, 1875–2010 (Romae 2011): |
IEV_1874 | Иркутския Епархиальныя Ведомости, No 38, 1874, 491-501. |
IPATOVA_2020 | Ипатова А.С. “ПЕКИНСКИЕ ПИСЬМА АРХИМ. ПОЛИКАРПА (ТУГАРИНОВА) Н.И. ЛЮБИМОВУ (40-е ГОДЫ XIX в.)”, Ипатова А.С. 400 лет как один миг (Русско-китайские отношения с начала XVII века): Сб. статей / Отв. ред. В.С. Мясников. М.: Памятники исторической мысли, 2020, 341 - 360. This article was previously published earlier. Nonetheless, later version of the article has gone through a revision. See: Письма архимандрита Поликарпа (из истории Российской духовной миссии в Пекине) // Проблемы Дальнего Востока, № 2. 1991, 91-97. |
IRFA-FI | “Fiches individuelles,” L’Institut de recherche. France-Asie. |
KEPING_1993 | Keping O.V. Кепинг О. В. “Poslednii nachal’nik Rossiiskoi Dukhovnoi Missii v Kitae - archiepiskop Viktor: zhiznennyi put’” Последний начальник Российской Духовной Миссии в Китае - архиепископ Виктор: жизненный путь [The last head of the Russian Ecclesiastical Mission in China - archbishop Viktor: life path] In Pravoslavie na Dal’nem Vostoke Православие на Дальнем Востоке [Orthodoxy in the Far East], edited by N.M. Bogolyubov Н.М. Боголюбов. Saint Petersburg: Andreev i Synov’ia, 1993, 91–99. |
KEPING_2003 | Keping O.V. Кепинг О. В. “Poslednii nachal’nik Rossiiskoi Dukhovnoi Missii v Kitae - archiepiskop Viktor” Последний начальник Российской Духовной Миссии в Китае - архиепископ Виктор [The last head of the Russian Ecclesiastical Mission in China - archbishop Viktor] In Kseniia Keping: Poslednie stat’i i dokumenty Ксения Кепинг: Последние статьи и документы [Kseniia Keping: Last Works and Documents] (comp.Aleksandrov, B.), Saint Petersburg, 2003, 264-272. |
KHOKHLOV_2002 | Хохлов А.Н. Н.Я. Бичурин и его труды о Цинском Китае / Н.Я.Бичурин //Статистическое описание Китайской империи. - М: Восточный Дом, 2002. - С. 5-29 |
KHOKHLOV_2014 | Хохлов А.Н. Китаист Д. А. Пещуров – дипломат и педагог // Восточный архив. 2014. № 1 (29). С. 25-34. |
KITAISKII_1917 | Kitaiskii Blagovestnik, No 12 (1917), 9. |
KITAISKII_1935 | Mitrophan Chin, End Note 2, Accounts of the Martyrs of the Chinese Orthodox Church who fell victim in Beijing in 1900 (English translation by Nina Tkachuk Dimas), Kitajskij Blagovestnik (1935 edition). Original publication in Russian: Китайский Благовестник. 1685-1935. Юбилейный сборник посвященный 250-ти летию со дня основания Российской Православной Дкховной Миссии в Китае, 25 июня 1935, стр. 79-85. Online access: |
KNECHTT_1980 | Knecht, Peter. “Dr. Matthias Eder S.V.D. 1902–1980.” Asian Folklore Studies 39, no. 2 (1980): 1-7. |
KULIKOV_2016 | Kulikov, A.M. Куликов, А.М. “Kitaevedcheskaia i diplomaticheskaia deiatel’nost’ arkhimandrita Palladiia (Kafarova)” Китаеведческая и дипломатическая деятельность архимандрита Палладия (Кафарова) [Archimandrite Palladii (Kafarov’s) involvement into Sinology and Diplomacy]. PhD diss., Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2016. |
KUO_1917 | Jospeh M. Kuo. Elenchus Alumnorum, Decreta et Documenta quae spectant ad Collegium Sacrae Familiae Neapolis. Shanghai: Ex Typographia Missionis Catholicae, 1917. |
KUZNETSOV_2007 | Кузнецов Алексей Петрович, Вклад И.А. Гошкевича в становление русско-японских отношений в XIX веке / Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет; Науч.ред. Л.В. Зенина. – СПб: 100 Аж, 2007. – 128 c. |
LARDINOISE-MATEOS-RYDEN | Olivier Lardinois, Fernando Mateos, and Edmund Ryden. Directory of the Jesuits in China from 1842 to 1955. Taipei : Taipei Ricci Institute, 2018 |
LEBEDEV | Его труд не пропал даром / Евгений Лебедев // Православие и современность / Информационно-аналитический портал Саратовской и Вольской епархии. URL: |
LEBEN | Kollár, Miroslav. Ein Leben im Konflikt. P. Franz Xaver Biallas SVD (1878–1936): Chinamissionar und Sinologe im Licht seiner Korrespondenz. Collectanea Serica. Steyler Verlag: Nettetal 2011. |
LEEB_NAMES | Leopold Leeb; “500 Names”: unpublished manuscript, Beijing 2004. |
LEEB_SISTERS | Leopold Leeb, “200 Ssps engl.”: unpublished manuscript, Beijing 2005. |
LICHT | Sr. Edberte (Eva Irene) Moroder SSpS. Licht im Dunkeln. China Band 13: Daten – Übersichten zur Geschichte SSpS in China und zur gesamten Kongregation. Stockerau b. Wien: St. Kolomankloster, 2007. |
LIPSHITS_1947 | Липшиц С. Ю. Русские ботаники. Биографо-библиографический словарь. Т. I. А-Б / Составил С. Ю. Липшиц. М.: Издательство Московского общества испытателей природы, 1947. - XI, 335 с |
LÖWENTHAL_CHART1 | Löwenthal, Rudolf. “Chart I (in three sheets): The Catholic Press of China.” The Religious Periodical Press in China. Sinological Series n. 57. Beijing: The Synodal Commission in China, 1940. |
LÖWENTHAL_CHART2 | Löwenthal, Rudolf. “Chart II (in one sheet): The Catholic Press in Manchuria.” The Religious Periodical Press in China. Sinological Series n. 57. Beijing: The Synodal Commission in China, 1940. |
LÖWENTHAL_CHART3 | Löwenthal, Rudolf. “Chart III (in three sheets): The Protestant Press of China.” The Religious Periodical Press in China. Sinological Series n. 57. Beijing: The Synodal Commission in China, 1940. |
LOWENBERG_1878 | Löwenberg J. Fuß, Georg Albert von // Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie — L: 1878. — Vol. 8. — S. 252. |
LP | Lauren F. Phister. “The legacy of James Legge.” International Bulletin of Missionary Research 22, no. 2 (1998). |
MALEK_2006 | Malek, Roman. “In memoriam Heinrich Busch (1912–2002) und Eugen Feifel (1902–1999).” Monumenta Serica LIV (2006): 491-518. |
MB2 | A.J. Broomhall. Hudson Taylor and China’s open century. Book 1: Barbarians at the gates. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1981. |
MEMORANDUM | Guo Mutian 郭慕天 (Hrsg.), Tenth Anniversary Memorandum 1938–1948 of the Collegium Sinicum Ecclesiasticum.” Furen daxue siduo shuyuan chengli shi zhounian jinian kan 1938–1948 輔仁大學司鐸書院成立十周年紀念刊 1938–1948. Beiping: Siduo shuyuan tongxuehui 司鐸書院同學會, 1948. |
MENEGON_2010 | Eugenio Menegon. Ancestors, virgins, and friars: Christianity as a local religion in late imperial China. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2010. |
MK | Marjorie King. China’s American Daughter: Ida Pruitt (1888-1985). Hong Kong : Chinese University Press, 2006. |
MKW | Man Kong Wong. “Christian missions, Chinese culture, and colonial administration: A study of the activities of James Legge and Ernest John Eitel in nineteenth century Hong Kong.” Ph.D. diss. Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1996. |
MMA-DFB | “Deceased Fathers & Brothers.” Maryknoll Missionary Archives. |
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